
Return to general dentistry

From the 1st November the Scottish Government has announced a full range of NHS dental treatment will now be available. What is perhaps less clear is that all the same restrictions on patient numbers and numbers of appointments still stand.

COVID-19 is still here and as such we all must remain vigilant and play our part as we are asked to do. As dentists we have been asked to not do what we are trained to do, that is care holistically for peoples oral health. This has been an incredibly difficult time for us, and even more so for you our patients that have been unable to receive the care you deserve.

We have and will continue to followed Health Protection Scotland guidance and will gradually work towards being able to bring this Government pledge of access to a full range of NHS treatment to our patients. It will be some time before we can operate how we did in a pre COVID 19 era.

So please bear with us. You will continue to be asked COVID screening questions. You will continue to be asked to wait in your car until called. There will be no waiting room inside and no toilet facilities available either. You will be asked to antibac your hands and wear masks in communal areas of the practice. Ideally your treatment would be provided in single appointments and we will be avoiding bringing people back where possible.

More information can be found here at NHS INFORM

COVID 19 Update

Unfortunately we have been instructed by government to close our doors to patients while the current crisis is ongoing. We are available to you on the phone. To give advice, Issue prescriptions if appropriate and when needed refer you on to be seen at Broxden Dental Centre.

It is unclear how long this situation is going to continue and we appreciate your understanding as we try to navigate our way through this challenging time.

Stay safe, Kenney Mackay Dental


Important Update

We are in unprecedented times and the effects of the Coronavirus on our society is likely to be significant. New guidance was issued to scottish dental practices yesterday advising on restricting routine dental care. Primarily in an attempt to protect the workforce in order that dental practices can remain open to deal with dental emergencies.

We believe the best way for us to ensure that we can continue to be available for you all if you need us is to switch to reduced opening and reduced staff at any one time. As such all routine treatment appointments will be cancelled. We will be open a reduced opening from 9am to 1pm daily. This will allow for an in increased daily deep clean protocol to take place.

If you do need to attend you will not notice significant changes. It is essential if you can inform us on the phone if you or any of your family have had symptoms of Covid-19 in the past 14days so we can take appropriate action for you. If someone was to become ill whilst at an appointment then you will be isolated and cared for as you require. Therefore minimising contact with other members of the public.

We know many of you will be worried at the moment. We hope the steps we are taking will play our part in reducing the spread of the coronavirus. These measures should ensure that you will always be able to receive emergency care if needed.

Remember we can all play our part. Reduce social contact as much as possible, wash your hands regularly for 20secs with soap and water. And keep informed of government updates.

Take care and be safe.

From all the team here at Kenney Mackay Dental

Teenage Cancer Trust

A huge congratulations to pupils at Perth High School for raising nearly £10000 for Teenage Cancer Trust. It was a pleasure to be able to support you again in this tremendous effort.

New Website Online

We’re pleased to announce our new website is online.  Made possible with the skill and hardwork of Jamie Mcclennan of Whitefall Design.  Information and notices will be posted here so please check back if you have any queries.